Notes on

Be Useful

by Arnold Schwarzenegger

| 2 min read

  1. Have a Clear Vision: Start with small daily goals and build up to larger ones. Create space for inspiration and make your vision crystal clear.
  2. Never Think Small: Embrace “Wenn schon, denn schon” (If you’re going to do something, do it all out). Think big because it takes the same energy as thinking small.
  3. Work Your Ass Off: Put in the reps with proper form. Follow through completely on everything you do. Make time for what matters - there are always 24 hours in a day.
  4. Sell, Sell, Sell: Know your audience and communicate your vision effectively. Let others underestimate you while over-delivering. Use bridging techniques in communication.
  5. Shift Gears: Don’t complain without proposing solutions. Reframe failure as learning opportunities. Take calculated risks when pursuing your passion.
  6. Keep Learning: Combine physical and mental development. Stay curious, ask good questions, and listen more than you speak. Put knowledge to practical use.
  7. Give Back: Recognize that success comes with help from others. Find ways to contribute, whether small daily acts or larger initiatives. Focus on others rather than yourself.

When failure is a positive part of the game you play, it’s much less scary to search for the limits of your ability—whether that’s speaking English, acting in big movies, or tackling big social problems—and then once you’ve found those limits, to grow beyond them. The only way to do that, though, is to constantly test yourself in a manner that risks repeated failure.

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