Notes on

Tao Te Ching

by Lao-Tzu

| 5 min read


This book is what founded Taoism.

Taoism emphasized “inner freedom, meditation, and the Self-Cultivation of the individual, surrender to the spontaneous rhythms of nature, primordial intuition, and exploration of the mysteries of the human condition and the wonders of the cosmos, listening to the silent music of the Tao.”

The Art of War is from the same time period as Tao Te Ching and The Analects of Confucius

No one every found out who Lao-Tzu was.

Lao-Tzu said, according to Sima Qian:

”[…] I have heard that just as the best merchant keeps his stores hidden so that he appears to possess nothing, so the True Gentleman conceals his abundant Inner Power beneath an appearance of foolishness. Rid yourself of Pride and Desire, put aside your fancy manner and your lustful ways. They will bring you nothing but harm. That is all I have to say.” (Page 0)

2. A Wordless Teaching

The Tao gives Birth

But never Possesses.

The Taoist Acts

Without Attachment,


Without dwelling

On Achievement,

And so never loses.

This is not very far from the Stoic philosophy.

3. Non-Action

Not to Honor the Worthy

Puts an end to Contending

Among the folk.

Not to Prize Rare Goods

Puts an end to Theft

Among the folk.

Not to Display Objects of Desire

Removes Chaos

From the Heart-and-Mind

Of the folk.

If we removed the incentives, these actions would cease.

9. Letting Go

Letting Go is better

Than Filling to the Brim.

A blade overly sharpened

Does not last long.

Halls stuffed with gold and jade

None can preserve.

Wealth, Rank, Pride,

All bring Calamity.

The Tao of Heaven-and-Nature

Is to Accomplish

And to Withdraw.


Whosoever Achieves Fame and fails to Withdraw, whosoever does not Let Go, but remains stuck in the place of Honor and Glory, will surely meet with Harm.


That which is Filled to the Brim will spill. That which is overly sharpened will break. Such extremes bring their own downfall. Eschew them. No one can hold on to Wealth for ever.

Duyvendak: Just as one should never keep on filling a vase, or sharpening a blade, so one should never try to hold on to worldly treasures, or boast of Wealth and Rank. The Tao Lets Go, lets things follow their natural course, lets things unfold. Once something is Accomplished, the inevitable Cycle begins again.

11. Non-Being

Thirty Spokes joined in a hub

Form a Wheel.

The Emptiness between,

The Non-Being,

Makes the Carriage Useful.

Clay kneaded

Forms a Pot.

The Emptiness within,

The Non-Being,

Makes the Pot Useful.

Windows and doors chiseled

Create a House;

The Emptiness within,

The Non-Being,

Makes the House Useful.

Being and Substance

Bring Benefit.

Non-Being and Emptiness

Make things Useful.

Sometimes, what is not, is more important than what is.

Windows may be in building a House, the chief thing is the space within. What “is not,” therefore, is more important in these cases than “what is.”

22. Embracing the One

The Taoist

Embraces the One,

A Model for All-under-Heaven,
> Shines

But never displays,

Is Radiant

But never Proud.


But never Boasts,


But never Brags.

28. The Uncarved Block

The Greatest Carver

Does the least cutting.

33. Knowing Self

To understand Others

Is Wisdom,

To know Self

Is Illumination.

To vanquish Others

Requires Force,

To vanquish Self

Requires Strength.

To know Contentment

Is True Wealth.

To Persevere

Requires Will.

Not to lose one’s Place

Is to Endure,

To Die but not to Perish,

Is Long Life.

44. Sufficiency

Which is Dearer:


Or True Person?

Which means more:

Person or Property?

Which causes greater Harm:

Gain or Loss?

Undue Love

Comes at Great Cost.
> Hoarding entails

Heavy Loss.

To Know Sufficiency

Averts Disgrace;

Whosoever Knows

When to Halt

Averts Misfortune,


64. Suchness, the So-of-Itself

A stout tree

An arm’s span in girth

Grew from

A tiny shoot.

A mighty terrace

Nine stories high

Began as

A mound of earth.

A journey

Of a thousand leagues

Commenced with

A single step.

The Taoist Desires No-Desire,

Does not value

Goods that are

Hard to come by,

66. Kings of the Hundred Valleys

Whosoever wishes to be

Above the folk,

In speech must be

Beneath them.

Whosoever wishes to be

Ahead of them

Must be


If you want to lead; support and serve.

68. The Power of Not-Contending

The best Soldier

Is not Warlike.

The best Warrior

Never fights

Out of Wrath.

The best Victory

Does not Engage the Enemy.

71. Knowledge and Illness

To Know


To Know

That one does not Know,

To Know

That there is a Limit

To what one Knows,

This is

True and Highest


To deny True Knowledge,

To deny Truth,

Is an Illness.

If this is seen for what it is,

And treated

As an Illness,

It can be cured.

The Taoist

Sees Illness as Illness,

And is healthy.

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