Notes on

The 1% Rule

by Tommy Baker

| 2 min read

Asking questions

A core part of the 1% Rule is asking questions. Ask yourself:

What can I execute on right now that will prove that my outcome and vision are not only possible, but coming true?

Don’t be reactive

Looking at The Eisenhower Matrix, you see where you should spend your time.
The matrix is four quadrants made up of

  • The important but not urgent
  • The urgent but not important
  • The urgent and important
  • The not urgent and not important

Be careful not to be in reactive-mode (firefighter) all the time. Arguably, the more time you can spend on that which is important but not urgent, the better. Everything else should be managed, avoided, or limited.

Important here means strategically and directionally important. We often mistake the urgent for important.

Start with removing

You should probably always start by looking for things to remove, rather than add.
This reminds me of Via Negativa: addition through subtraction.

You can’t just start by cramming more stuff into your life. You’re probably busy enough as it is.

Making a plan

First, you’ll want to define your core life-pillars. Here, they’re categorized as

  • Business & Purpose
  • Health & Fitness
  • Spirituality
  • Relationships

Then, you define core outcomes, core processes, and lastly the 1% process.

  • Core outcome is the end result after 90 days.
  • Core process is the process associated with your outcome. It’s designed to make the outcome come true.
  • The 1% process is further breakdown of the process into daily actions/daily steps.

For each of your core outcomes, figure out the steps, actions, and initiatives needed for each.

Then, figure out what you can delete (what doesn’t serve the outcome), what you can automate, and what you can delegate. Prioritize the remaining tasks.

And now, with your prioritized tasks, make a blueprint for each of the 12 weeks in the 90 days.
These should have three action steps. Do this each week.

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